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About Us
myLawn! is more than just a lawn and tree care company. While we take great pride in our work, the relationships we build with our team members and clients matter the most. Our desire is to provide the best experience possible to everyone that we connect with. From the services we provide for our clients to building our company's culture, we strive to provide the best at all costs. Simply put, it's all about serving!
Our Values
Distinguishing the way of God for life and business.
Thinking in terms of generations yet to come.
Whatever else we do, doing one thing very well.
Mastering the facts before we act.
Investing in those we would have invest in us.
Mission Statement
Bringing the best in all we do, using our business as a solution to a better life for those we encounter.

myLawn! is always looking for hardworking, driven individuals with a passion for excellence to join our growing team. We have locations in Great Bend and Salina providing lawn and tree care services to all of Central Kansas! Check out our online application to see available positions and apply.
Contact Us
Have questions or concerns? Want to get your free estimate? Call, text, or fill out this form and we'll be back in touch with you shortly. We look forward to serving you!
Great Bend Services: 620-282-2076
Follow us on Facebook: @choosemylawn
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