Jeremy Elliott: 620-282-2076
Connor Williams: 620-617-6300
Early Spring Application: Pre-emergent application that helps to prevent annual grassy weeds like crabgrass and foxtail, and a light dose of fertilizer to enhance your turfs color. Broadleaf weed control is applied once weather is warm enough.
Late Spring Application: This application includes another light dose of fertilizer, iron, and broadleaf weed control to help control any broadleaf weeds that have emerged during the spring.
Grub Control: This application is made in the late spring to help eliminate the possibility of grub damage.
Summer Application: Sustains spring color through the summer. We also spot treat broadleaf weeds, grassy weeds and nutsedge as needed.
Fall Lawn Care Application: Our fall lawn care application helps rebuild the turf after the stresses of summer. Broadleaf weed control is used as needed.
Winterizer: Our winterizer application helps build a large food reserve for spring and early summer.
Early Spring Pre-emergent: Helps to prevent annual grassy weeds like crabgrass and foxtail. Broadleaf weed control is also applied once the weather is warm enough.
Spring Fertilizer: This application helps your turf snap out of dormancy and eliminate any broadleaf weeds that may be present.
Early Summer Fertilizer: This application helps bring color and nutrients to your turf that it needs.
Late Summer Fertilizer: Continues to sustain desirable color throughout the remaining summer months. We also control broadleaf weeds and nutsedge as needed.
Early Fall Fertilizer: Prepares your turf for overwintering. We also control broadleaf weeds and nutsedge as needed.
Fall Pre-emergent: Prevents early spring weeds next season. We also control broadleaf weeds as needed.
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